Information obligation according to Section 5 Austrian E-commerce Act (ECG), Section 14 Austrian Commercial Code (UGB), Section 63 Austrian Trade Act (GewO) and disclosure obligation according to Section 25 Austrian Media Act (MedienG).
vysion consulting gmbh
Rennweg 46-50 / Top 4.11
1030 Vienna
2. branch:
vysion consulting gmbh – Innsbruck
Pembaurstraße 14
6020 Innsbruck
Purpose of the company: IT services
VAT ID number: ATU73310339
Company registration number: 491259s
Registration court: Vienna
Registered office: 1010 Vienna
E-Mail: office@vysion.at
Member of: Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO)
Professional law: Austrian Trade Act (GewO): www.ris.bka.gv.at
Supervisory authority/trade authority: Gewerbebehörde f.d. 1. Bezirk (Trade authority for the 1st district)
Job title: IT consultancy
Awarding state: Austria
Managing Director:
Christian Philipp
3. branch:
vysion consulting deutschland GmbH
Schöneberger Str. 21 A
10963 Berlin
Purpose of the company: IT service and consultant
VAT ID number: DE344696983
HRB 228566B
Local court: Charlottenburg (zu HRB 228566 B)
Commercial register extract: Hardenbergstr. 31, 10623 Berlin
Register of associations: Amtsgerichtsplatz 1, 14057 Berlin
Photos (c) Andrea Sojka
Illustrations (c) Nicole Steinhofer